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Am I connected?

Updated: Sep 27, 2024

I think a lot about the differences between attachment and connection. Of how living a connected life in right relationship entails not only noticing our attachments but freeing ourselves from them.

Am I connected to the people and places of my past or am I attached to the nostalgia, trying to recreate a good feeling that once held me up?

Am I connected to the path I am walking, or am I attached to the outcome- attempting to spin a web of predictability in rejection of chaos and in fear of the unknown?

  • Am I connected to those around me or am I attached to the way I want them to be?

  • Am I connected to myself or attached to an idea of who I am?

  • Am I connected to reality or attached to a story?

When we are not connected to self, this is when we might find that we begin to believe the stories that other people tell us about ourselves. We might find that we write people off not because they did anything intentionally or truly harmful but because they did not conform to the story we told ourselves about them. We might find that we are consistently disappointed by our actions or the actions of others because we are too busy arguing with reality to see things how they are.

Our individuality is a gift to the collective whole. And, we cannot be ourselves by ourselves. We cannot find connection within without first experiencing and embodying our love of self and love of others. Love is not transactional. Love is not conditional. Love is radical, unyielding, unbound acceptance. When we are in love with ourselves and the world around us, connection becomes the foundation for all of our relationships. When we are connected to ourselves and seek connection with others, this is when we can live in right relationship.

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